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8 Reasons Using Facebook

Many people make an account in Facebook everyday. Some of them do this because follow their friends. But, I will try to tell you the logical reasons why people enjoy using facebook :

1. Social Mission. It is easy create a Group, Page or Cause to get support for our ideas. We can also contribute to causes that others make.
2. Visibility and Transparency. What we say and do online are visible to our friends. And what they say and do online are visible to me. So It is easy to know about them. We can give comment about their ideas or activities. What this means is we can easily introduce ideas/sites/other things to them and viceversa.
3. Find Your Old Friends. If we lost our friend, don’t worry, we can use search tool to find them. But it must be interesting to try the “People You May Know” tool.
4. More Friends. We will get more friends from other countries. We can talk about everything, and We feel so comfortable because we sure thet they use the real identity. But be carefull, maybe there are people using fake identity.
5. Ease of Use. Its interface is simple and clean. What we need are displayed so nice and elegant. Ads are placed on a small part of the page. We will not be annoyed by the pop up or bad ads.
6. Usefulness. Facebook is like an operating system, we can add many apps or we can use third-party software as a facebook client.
7. Instant Messaging. When we sign in to our profile on Facebook, we can see our friends who are online at that time, and chat with them. We don’t need to open YM, or Gtalk. If we have a slow connection, just use IM client as follows Pidgin, Digsby, or Meebo. We can also chat from our cellular phone using ebuddy.
8. Business. Moneytize your Facebook !! We can promote our products using Facebook. It is free. No need to pay some money.

What about you?

3 responses

  1. Pindah domain nich.. 🙂
    Klu saya saat ini bikin FB cuma buwat parkir aja, supua bisa dicari temen" lama dan baru 🙂

  2. wahidhasan Avatar

    Mas Imam, iya mas soalnya kmrn mau perpanjangan males, car yg gratisan aja.. hehe..

  3. nambahin reason why using facebook:

    >>for effective "social engineering"
    >>for learning new platform (because facebook) has it own platform)

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